School Counsellor

M.A. [Communication], Clinical Hypnotherapist with Psychotherapy and Counseling skills [Advanced Diploma, Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis], NLP [Master Practitioner], CBT [practitioner]
Registered with APHP [Association of Professional Hypnotherapists, UK]
To reveal if you are more of a Warrior, a Settler or a Nomad simply so get your paper and pencil note the answer to the questions below.
QUIZ 1 [Ages 8-13]
If you get majority if ‘A’ answer it means you are a Warrior personality type. B indicates a Settler personality and C is Nomad.
Question 1 – Your friend wants to borrow your homework, you are most likely to:
A – Tell them they should do their own work – you could explain a few points to them but they have to do it themselves.
B – Invite them over and finish their homework for them after you feed them snacks
C – Tell them you haven’t started yours as yet and would probably do it later
Question 2 – You are invited to a birthday party and you don’t know anyone, how do you react?
A – Talk to people who seem to be like you but not make too much of an effort
B – Be a bit nervous but try really hard to chat to people anyway
C – Fit right in and have people laughing and joining you in games
Question 3 – You have a minor disagreement with a friend, how do you react?
A – Be very firm and stick to your point
B – Try and see both sides and come to a compromise
C – Use your personality and charm to state your point of view
Question 4 – How are other people most likely to describe you?
A – Determined, driven and positive
B – A positive person, easy to be around, chatty
C – Unique, individual, not afraid to stand out from the crowd
Question 5 – What would you say is one of your negative traits?
A – Speaking bluntly without thinking of hurting others’ feelings
B – Not standing up for yourself
C – Being unreliable and boastful at times
Question 6 – Two of your good friends have an argument with each other and ask you to intervene. What is your response?
A – You tell them in detail their faults without holding anything back
B – You try to mediate between the two careful not alienate either
C – You change the topic – make a plan to go to a third friend’s house instead
Question 7. You have an exam in a month’s time how do you prepare
A: You organize your notes and prepare a timetable which you will follow
B: You arrange study groups at your house where you help your friends prepare for the exam
C: You think to yourself I have a lot of time I will think about studies soon
Question 8. You are called to the Principal’s office for being in a group of children not paying attention in class
A: You go prepared to defend yourself with evidence and proof and a record of how you have been in class and who is the culprit
B: You are ready to accept the punishment even if you didn’t do anything as long as you don’t have to stand up against your friends
C: You go to the office and dramatically state your case and try to charm your way out of the situation
Question 9. Your friends usually come to you for
A: Honest Advice
B: Help
C: New ideas and fun things to do
WARRIORS – Resolute Organizational:
The first answer [A] in the questions is indicative of a Warrior personality type. They like to say things like they see them, they are not bothered by hurting feelings neither are they scared of speaking their minds. People gravitate towards them without them making too much of an effort. They like to hold their card close to them and not reveal their secrets as they are not keen on talking about themselves. The Warrior or Resolute Organizational personality is highly analytical and logical – they don’t like anyone giving them direct orders. The Warrior is all about efficiency and is governed by thoughts, engaging the logical scientific mind, rather than feelings. Warriors respect authority, although they may resent it. The Warrior personality is not very imaginative but analytical, requiring highly detailed descriptions in what they are learning.
SETTLERS – Intuitive Adaptive:
The answer [B] is indicative of a Settler type – this personality avoids conflicts and aims to please everyone. Settlers like to share and being liked is vitally important to them. They are cheerful, communicative, kind and sensitive and overridingly optimistic in their approach to life. They don’t like to hurt others and want people to like them. The Settler is a gentle and peace-loving sort, he/she likes to feel comfortable and accepted by everyone. They will do their best to follow the suggestions given as its their natural desire or innate need to be liked and accepted and do the best they can. They are by nature prone to be susceptible and don’t lie to feel judged or criticized or found lacking. Settlers are all about other people and they often ignore themselves in their pursuit of other people’s approval. Settlers are very intuitive and capable of a high level of emotional intelligence
Nomads – Charismatic Evidential
Nomads don’t like to involve themselves with other people’s business they rather have the attention on themselves. They like to be the center of attention at all times and avoid long term commitments. They crave change and excitement and seek new things. They are usually outgoing and dramatic and have a need for novelty and adventure, and like the unknown or strange. The Nomad’s mind is likely Their mind is likely to wander and they have a short attention span. They get bored quite easily and likes exciting things to happen. Nomads like Warriors do not much care for authority and have slightly narcissistic personalities. As long as something is novel and interesting they will respond.
QUIZ 2 [13+]
Warrior Settler Nomad Personality Quiz [Warriors, Settlers & Nomads (WSN) is a form of parts psychotherapy devised by UK therapist, Terence Watts and this is his quiz]
Answer these questions with TOTAL honesty. There are no right or wrong answers, and no better or best answer to any question – this isn’t a test!
Mark each question on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being not very and 10 being very.
Section A: WARRIOR
How determined are you? ____________
How easily can you ‘speak your mind’? ____________
How trusting are you? ____________
How argumentative can you be? ____________
Section A TOTAL ____________
Section B: SETTLER
How adaptable can you be? ____________
How important is it for you to be liked? ____________
How over-trusting can you be? ____________
How easygoing are you? ____________
Section B TOTAL ____________
Section C: NOMAD
How inspiring/over-dramatic can you be? ________
How easily can you shrug off or ignore criticism? ________
How spontaneous/impulsive can you be? _________
How impatient can you be? ________
Section C TOTAL ____________
FINAL TOTAL = [T] = Section A+B+C
Percentage of Warrior = Section A Total ÷ Final Total [T] x 100 =
Percentage of Settler = Section B Total ÷ Final Total [T] x 100 =
Percentage of Nomad = Section C Total ÷ Final Total [T] x 100 =
WARRIORS – Resolute Organizational:
The first answer [A] in the questions is indicative of a Warrior personality type. They like to say things like they see them, they are not bothered by hurting feelings neither are they scared of speaking their minds. People gravitate towards them without them making too much of an effort. They like to hold their card close to them and not reveal their secrets as they are not keen on talking about themselves. The Warrior or Resolute Organizational personality is highly analytical and logical – they don’t like anyone giving them direct orders. The Warrior is all about efficiency and is governed by thoughts, engaging the logical scientific mind, rather than feelings. Warriors respect authority, although they may resent it. The Warrior personality is not very imaginative but analytical, requiring highly detailed descriptions in what they are learning.
SETTLERS – Intuitive Adaptive:
The answer [B] is indicative of a Settler type – this personality avoids conflicts and aims to please everyone. Settlers like to share and being liked is vitally important to them. They are cheerful, communicative, kind and sensitive and overridingly optimistic in their approach to life. They don’t like to hurt others and want people to like them. The Settler is a gentle and peace-loving sort, he/she likes to feel comfortable and accepted by everyone. They will do their best to follow the suggestions given as its their natural desire or innate need to be liked and accepted and do the best they can. They are by nature prone to be susceptible and don’t lie to feel judged or criticized or found lacking. Settlers are all about other people and they often ignore themselves in their pursuit of other people’s approval. Settlers are very intuitive and capable of a high level of emotional intelligence
Nomads – Charismatic Evidential
Nomads don’t like to involve themselves with other people’s business they rather have the attention on themselves. They like to be the center of attention at all times and avoid long term commitments. They crave change and excitement and seek new things. They are usually outgoing and dramatic and have a need for novelty and adventure, and like the unknown or strange. The Nomad’s mind is likely Their mind is likely to wander and they have a short attention span. They get bored quite easily and likes exciting things to happen. Nomads like Warriors do not much care for authority and have slightly narcissistic personalities. As long as something is novel and interesting they will respond.